Pastor George Balogun is an annointed prophet and a prayer warrior, chosen to release profound revelation and clarity for individuals seeking direction in their destiny. His gift of prophecy, coupled with deep intercessory prayers, has transformed lives, breaking barriers and shifting spiritual atmospheres. As a teacher of God's Word, Reverend George empowers others to navigate their faith with simplicity and wisdom. With his guidance, you can embark on a journey of discovering God's purpose for your life.
Pastor Candis Richardson Balogun is a strong prophetic voice, bible teacher, and lover of God. Candis's ministry is to champion people into deeper intimate relationship with God, complete healing, and activation of treasures embedded within them. Through biblical teaching Pastor Candis exposes strategies and weapons of warfare for breakthrough. Pastor Candis is a legacy bridge builder to the marketplace and empowers custom solutions to unusual circumstances. She advocates people to utilize God-given influence as ambassadors for Christ.
Together Reverend George Balogun and his wife Candis minister to couples, families, blended families, and those in complex relationships. They bring over 25 years of testimonies of change, reconciliation and creative miracles. As the Senior Pastors of the Breath of Life Church they continue to empower individuals to be transformed to the image of Christ, and move from passive places of being to active ambassdors of Christ. Dedicated to building the body of Christ they offer the Prophetic Prayer Clinic as a free service to all. The clinic, through prayer, leads to unprecedented personal breakthroughs by providing Biblically-based direction and solutions through the Holy Spirit. Participants experience deep inner healing, deliverance, and the activation of natural and spiritual gifts so they can move forward. The Baloguns continue to partner with both local, and churches abroad, to increase unity and build the church at large. The Baloguns are here to serve YOU!
Mon 12-5pm
Tues-Fri 10am-8pm
Saturday Service 6:00pm-8pm
Sunday OFF